On Earth, every process that sustains life on the planet is based on the cycle. The activities we humans carry out are no exception. If we want to be in harmony with the world around us, we must act in accordance with this cycle in all areas.
The Supplier
The sorted PET material is delivered to the recycling plant.
Start and Finish
Where it all begins and where it all will begin again. The plant where the raw materials received as waste are processed and turned into packaging products.
The Material
PET granulate and PET flake preforms. In their current form, these do not mean much to ordinary people yet, but they will soon encounter them in countless familiar forms.
Another Plant
Another plant, another important player. We make their work easier and more efficient with selective waste collection. In return, the sorting plant continues the cycle by preparing the next, final step in the process.
Product from Material
But first, professionals will work with these materials. They create the products in packaging and textile processing and manufacturing plants.
Us and "Them"
The other protagonists are ourselves. We are the ones who use the products and who are... well, who are responsible for what happens to the product after use. What should be the fate of "Them". Maybe today it is not so much a question: they should be separately collected waste.
The Retailer
A frontline player. The retailer is the one who delivers the product directly to us, the consumers. The retailer is a key player in the process. But not the only one.
The Bottle
One of the most well-known and most used of these products is the plastic bottle. It is not only used frequently, but it is also often mentioned in professional and public discourse on sustainability.
Start and Finish
Where it all begins and where it all will begin again. The plant where the raw materials received as waste are processed and turned into packaging products.
The Material
PET granulate and PET flake preforms. In their current form, these do not mean much to ordinary people yet, but they will soon encounter them in countless familiar forms.
Product from Material
But first, professionals will work with these materials. They create the products in packaging and textile processing and manufacturing plants.
The Bottle
One of the most well-known and most used of these products is the plastic bottle. It is not only used frequently, but it is also often mentioned in professional and public discourse on sustainability.
The Retailer
A frontline player. The retailer is the one who delivers the product directly to us, the consumers. The retailer is a key player in the process. But not the only one.
Us and "Them"
The other protagonists are ourselves. We are the ones who use the products and who are... well, who are responsible for what happens to the product after use. What should be the fate of "Them". Maybe today it is not so much a question: they should be separately collected waste.
Another Plant
Another plant, another important player. We make their work easier and more efficient with selective waste collection. In return, the sorting plant continues the cycle by preparing the next, final step in the process.
The Supplier
Delivers the selectively collected PET materials to their destination. Or to the start. The two are the same: GREENPET Recycle Kft. And then it starts all over again.